Approval Process
Taxpayers and tax professionals must successfully complete the testing and approval process set out by the Comptroller's Office. For testing purposes, taxpayers are required to enter their Taxpayer Number and WebFile Number. Tax professionals are required to supply the taxpayer number and WebFile number for each taxpayer for whom they will be transmitting test data. In the future when you use this system, you will need to logon with an 11-digit Texas taxpayer number and a Personal Identification Number (PIN)
Change Contact Information
You may change any of the following:
Name - The name of the person transmitting the tax information. First and Last Name is required.
Daytime Telephone - Provide a ten-digit telephone number beginning with the area code. This number should be the telephone number where you may be reached between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. CT Monday through Friday.
Email Address - The entire email address where the confirmation message may be received.
Change Personal Identification Number (PIN)
The new PIN should be a series of numbers and letters or special characters that are easy to remember. The PIN must be 8 to 13 alpha and numeric characters.
The Reminder Phrase is chosen by you along with your Personal Identification Number (PIN). It may be useful should you forget your PIN. Choose a sentence, word, or question that would jog your memory.
Confirmation Number
A Confirmation Number is a unique number used to trace your Electronic Data Interchange submission. The Confirmation Number may be found on the Confirmation Page at the end of your transaction. The Confirmation Number should be entered and saved in our free software.
Confirmation Email
Taxpayers submitting EDI returns to the Comptroller's office will receive Confirmation Email after each submission. This is the taxpayer's receipt for an electronically filed return. It contains information such as the date and time submitted, the confirmation number, passed or failed status of the file and both taxpayer and submitter information. If a failed status is received, correct the errors and resubmit the return.
Contact Name
The name of the person transmitting the tax information. First and Last Name is required.
Create PIN
Personal Identification Number (PIN) - Please select a series of numbers and letters or special characters that are easy to remember. The PIN must be 8 to 13 alpha and numeric characters.
Re-enter PIN for Verification - We ask for this to verify that you have entered the PIN correctly.
Enter a Reminder Phrase - The Reminder Phrase is chosen by you along with your Personal Identification Number (PIN). It may be useful should you forget your PIN. Choose a sentence, word, or question that would jog your memory.
CT refers to Central Standard Time.
Customer Support
If you have any questions regarding tax information, you may contact the Texas State Comptroller's field office in your area or call 1-800-252-5555, toll-free, nationwide. The Austin number is 512-463-4600. If you are calling from a Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD), our toll-free number is 1-800-248-4099 or in Austin, 512-463-4621.
The toll-free number above is answered Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (CT)
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts listing of Field Offices
If you have questions regarding EDI, please send an email to:
For EDI technical assistance call 1-800-531-5441, ext. 3-3630 (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (CT), Monday through Friday)
Due Dates and Payments
Electronic filers must comply with established report due dates. Approved electronic tax filers may make their payments using the EDI payment option or continue to make their payments by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or by check if you are not a mandatory EFT payor. If you transmit your tax payment with your report, you will need to complete the transaction before 2:30 p.m. (CT) the last banking day before the due date. Your returns without payments must be completed by 11:59 p.m. (CT) on the due date. Any return transmitted after this time will be considered late and appropriate penalties will be assessed.
EDI Maps
Software vendors may download the EDI maps for the ANSI ASC X12 '813' transaction set if they plan to develop tax-filing software. Taxpayers may also download the EDI maps for creating their own electronic reports or using EDI translation software. The '813' transaction set is also used by other states for electronic tax filing.
Email Address
The entire email Address where your confirmation message will be sent. This field is required. The email address will enable us to provide you with additional customer service.
Filing Period
Filing Period identifies the time frame the report data represents.
Filing Period Ending Date is also used to identify the Report Period.
Month Ending 09-30-2016
Quarter Ending 09-30-2016
YYMM (1609) - Monthly filer
YYQ (163) - Quarterly filer
First Time Filers
The first time you use the EDI system you will be asked for information to establish that you are, in fact, a representative for the taxpayer account for which you are filing. You will need to have the pre-printed return provided by the Comptroller's Office.
Once the security is established, you will select a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to be used for future filings. Once your PIN has been registered it's up to you to protect it and decide with whom to share it.
You may access the Electronic Data Interchange System and change the PIN at any time without filing a return.
We encourage you to read through our detailed Help areas. Help links are included on each page of the EDI System.
Feel free to give us your comments and suggestions.
Free Data Entry Software
Taxpayers and tax professionals may use the Comptroller's Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) software to transmit return data and payments.
Download, Install and Update Free EDI Software.
The Login page is used to access the EDI system after initial registration. You will be required to login with an 11-digit taxpayer number, a selected tax type, and your Personal Identification Number (PIN), which is a series of numbers and letters or special characters 8 to 13 characters long that you selected when you registered with us. This PIN will be used to access your account information.
Taxpayer Number - The 11-digit taxpayer number (no hyphens or dashes) issued for your business by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.
Tax Type - Select the appropriate tax type.
Personal Identification Number (PIN) - The PIN is a special series of numbers and letters or special characters you selected when you registered with us. The PIN must be 8 to 13 alpha and numeric characters.
Forgot PIN - To display your Reminder Phrase.
After three incorrect Login attempts your account will be suspended. Contact the Comptroller's Office at 1-800-531-5441, ext. 3-3630 to reinstate your account.
Mandatory Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
Texas law requires every taxpayer or licensee who paid a total of $100,000 or more for a tax type during the preceding state fiscal year (September 1 through August 31) to pay by EFT. The Comptroller will annually review the payments made during the previous fiscal year to determine who meets this criterion. We will inform these taxpayers at least 60 days prior to the effective date that they must remit payment(s) by EFT.
If, during the subsequent fiscal year, payments for a tax type total $100,000 or more, then payments must continue to be made by EFT. Some taxpayers may have to pay by EFT for several tax types. For example, a company may pay $100,000 for both Sales and Use Taxes and Franchise Tax. Both taxes must be paid by EFT.
By statute, taxpayers who do not comply with the EFT requirements may be assessed a five percent (5%) penalty on non-EFT payments. This penalty would apply to each filing period where payment is not remitted electronically.
Mandatory Electronic Reporting (ER)
Crude Oil, Direct Pay, International Fuels Tax Agreement (IFTA), Motor Fuels, Natural Gas and Sales Tax:
Texas law requires every taxpayer or licensee who paid $100,000 or more for a tax type listed above during the preceding state fiscal year (September 1 through August 31) to file their reports electronically for that tax. Some taxpayers may have to file electronically for several tax types. The Comptroller will annually review the payments made during the previous fiscal year to determine who meets this criterion. We will inform these taxpayers at least 60 days prior to the effective date that they must begin filing reports electronically.
Taxpayers who do not comply with the ER requirements may be assessed a five percent (5%) penalty on the tax due. This penalty would apply to each filing period where payment is not remitted electronically.
Motor Fuels Taxpayers - Taxpayers must electronically file their reports if the combined total number of gallons of tax-free gasoline and tax-free diesel fuel that a permitted distributor or permitted supplier receives during the preceding 12 months exceeds five million gallons, or the total number of transactions that a permitted distributor or permitted supplier reports on the monthly report schedules exceeds 100 transactions each month for three consecutive months on an individual permit basis.
Contract Carriers - Contract Carriers are required to file their reports electronically if the total number of transactions that a common or contract carrier reports on the quarterly report schedules exceeds 100 transactions.
Partial Payment
You may make partial payments with your tax return in the Electronic Data Interchange System. A payment amount less than Total Amount Due and Payable will prompt a warning message that states the payment is different from what is due on the report, but the return will process and only the amount you indicated will be debited from your bank account. The remainder must be paid by the due date to avoid penalty and interest.
Payment Types
EDI Payment - EDI payment is an option offered within the 813 transaction set. Using this method meets the TEXNET payment requirement, but enrollment in TEXNET is not required. If you transmit your tax payment with your report, you need to complete the transaction before 2:30 p.m. (CT) the last banking day before the due date. Bank information is required to allow a transfer of funds (ACH Debit) to be performed electronically from your financial institution to the State Comptroller. Any payment transmitted after this time will be considered late and appropriate penalties will be assessed.
TEXNET or EDI Payment - One of these options is required for every taxpayer or licensee who paid a total of $100,000 or more for a tax type during the preceding state fiscal year (September 1 through August 31), and is therefore required to pay by EFT.
Check Payment - You may use this option if you are not a mandatory Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payor. Use the payment coupon provided in our software to remit your check. Payments must be postmarked on or before the due date for the specified tax. If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, the next business day will be the due date.
Penalty & Interest / Late Filing Charges
Penalty and Interest
1 - 30 Days Late: The penalty is 5% (.05) of the Tax Due.
31 - 60 Days Late: The penalty is 10% (.10) of the Tax Due.
Over 60 Days Late: In addition to the 10% penalty, interest will begin to accrue. Interest is set at 1% (.01) over the Prime Rate as established in the Wall Street Journal on the first business day of each year.
Late Filing Charge - An additional $50 penalty may be assessed when returns are received with a postmark later than the due date (TEX. TAX CODE ANN. SEC. 151.7031).
Personal Identification Number (PIN)
The Personal Identification Number (PIN) is a special series of numbers and alpha characters you will select and register with us. This PIN will be what you use to file and/or access your account information.
Please select a series of numbers and letters or special characters that is easy to remember.
The PIN is 8 to 13 alpha and numeric characters.
We suggest that you use a PIN that is not easy for another person to figure out. Do not use family members' names, your social security number, wedding anniversary, birth dates, or your address.
Examples of a valid PIN:
The first time you use the EDI system, you will be required to register with an 11-digit Texas Taxpayer Number. You will be asked for information to establish that you are a representative for the taxpayer for whom you are filing reports. During the registration process you will be required to create a Personal Identification Number (PIN), which will be used for future logins to the system.
Taxpayer Number - The first time you use this EDI system, you will be required to register with an 11-digit Texas Taxpayer Number (no hyphens or dashes) issued for your business by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.
Tax Type - Select the appropriate tax type.
WebFile Number - This consists of 8 alphanumeric characters pre-printed on the return sent to the master-mailing address for the taxpayer's account. We use this as part of the security check since it would only be known to the recipient of the return.
IFTA, Sales Tax, Direct Pay, Motor Fuels: The security information is located in the upper left-hand corner of the pre-printed return.
Natural Gas: The security information is on the Oil Field Clean-up Regulatory Fee line of the pre-printed report.
Crude Oil: The security information is located in the lower left-hand corner of the pre-printed report.
If you do not have the Comptroller supplied pre-printed tax return, contact the Comptroller's Office at 1-800-531-5441, ext. 3-3630.
Name - The name of the person transmitting the tax information. First and Last Name are required.
Daytime Telephone - A ten-digit telephone number beginning with the area code. This should be the telephone number where you may be reached between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (CT) Monday through Friday.
Email Address - Enter the entire email address where the confirmation message is to be be sent.
After three incorrect Registration attempts your account will be suspended. Contact the Comptroller's Office at 1-800-531-5441, ext. 3-3630 to reinstate your account.
Reminder Phrase
The Reminder Phrase is chosen by you along with your Personal Identification Number (PIN). It may be useful should you forget your PIN. Choose a sentence, word, or question that would jog your memory. It should not be or include your actual PIN.
Security Messages
Transmission safety measures are in place with Electronic Data Interchange. No one may read your tax information while it is being sent to us. Security messages may pop up regarding the site's safeguards or certificates. If they do, just continue through those screens.
Settlement Date
The day that the funds from the designated bank account will be debited for payment through TEXNET.
Suspension Of Account
After three incorrect registration attempts, your account will be suspended. Contact the Comptroller's Office at 1-800-531-5441, ext. 3-3630 to reinstate your account.
System Requirements
Taxpayers and tax preparers interested in using our free software to file EDI via the Internet must be monthly or quarterly filers with a Windows based PC operating at 166 MHz or higher, 64 MB RAM and 60 MB of hard drive space. Internet access is necessary for electronic tax reporting.
Tax Types
The following tax types are available for EDI filing:
Crude Oil
Direct Pay
Motor Fuels
Natural Gas
Sales Tax
Taxpayer Number
The 11-digit Taxpayer Number issued for your business by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. This number appears on the pre-printed return.
Terms and Conditions
By using the Texas Comptroller's EDI reporting method you agree to accept the following terms and conditions:
All reports will be in a Texas Comptroller approved EDI format. We will not accept invalid formats, versions or electronic data.
The taxpayer's electronic transmission of reports must be made in a manner compatible with the Comptroller's software, equipment and facilities.
All reports must be filed by 11:59 p.m. (CT) on the due date to avoid late filing penalties.
If using the EDI Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) portion of the software to pay your taxes, all reports must be submitted by 2:30 p.m. on the last banking business day before the due date to avoid a late filing penalty.
The taxpayer's signature shall be deemed to appear on the transmitted EDI reports.
State of Texas Financial Network -- was designed to receive Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payments from taxpayers. Today, 11 agencies collect over 50 types of taxes and fees through this system.
Upload File
Upload Option - Select one of two options:
Production - Only previously approved filers may upload a production file.
Test - Used for first time filers or for approved filers who wish to submit an additional test return.
Adding a Taxpayer (for test files) - You may add taxpayers that are different from the Registration Taxpayer Number and submit a test file for these taxpayers as well as your own. If you are only submitting a test on the number you registered you do not need to add a taxpayer.
Taxpayer Number - The 11-digit taxpayer number (no hyphens or dashes) issued for the business by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.
WebFile Number - This consists of 8 alphanumeric characters pre-printed on the return sent to the master-mailing address for the taxpayer's account. We use this as part of the security check since it would only be known to the recipient of the return.
IFTA, Sales Tax, Direct Pay, Motor Fuels: The security information is located in the upper left-hand corner of the pre-printed return.
Natural Gas: The security information is on the Oil Field Clean-up Regulatory Fee line of the pre-printed report.
Crude Oil: The security information is located in the lower left-hand corner of the pre-printed report.
If you do not have the pre-printed tax return that was mailed by the Comptroller, contact the Comptroller's Office at 1-800-531-5441, ext. 3-3630.
Upload File - To transmit an EDI return from your files to the Comptroller's Office.
Browse/Choose the file to be transmitted from your directory/folder.
Click the Continue button to submit the file.
Voluntary EFT
A Voluntary EFT is a taxpayer who is a registered TEXNET program user. A Voluntary EFT is not required to pay via TEXNET, because they do not meet the minimum threshold for a tax or fee.
WebFile Number
The WebFile Number consists of eight alphanumeric characters, appearing on the pre-printed return sent to the master mailing address for the taxpayer account. We use this number as part of the security check since it should only be known by the recipient of the return.
IFTA, Sales Tax, Direct Pay, Motor Fuels: The security information is located in the upper left-hand corner of the pre-printed return.
Natural Gas: The security information is on the Oil Field Clean-up Regulatory Fee line of the pre-printed report.
Crude Oil: The security information is located in the lower left-hand corner of the pre-printed report.
If you do not have the pre-printed tax return that was mailed by the Comptroller, contact the Comptroller's Office at 1-800-531-5441, ext. 3-3630.
To request assistance for deaf taxpayers, call Relay Texas at 1-800-735-2988 and refer them to the phone number above.
Who Can File
Taxpayers and tax professionals filing monthly or quarterly returns may file electronically. To be approved for electronic filing, they must register and successfully submit a test return using the specified EDI format.