If you cannot find the tax rate for the address you've entered, or if you received an error message or have a technical question, contact us at Be sure to send us the address you're looking for.
Tips for Better Address Searches
- Check the spelling of the street name
- Use "Springwood St" instead of "Spring Wood St",
- Use "Manor Rd" instead of "Maynor Rd",
- Use "Belmont Dr" instead of "Bellmont Dr",
- Use "Lemmon Ave" instead of "Lemon Ave"
- Check the spelling of the city name
- Use "The Woodlands" instead of "Woodlands"
- Use "Bellaire" instead of "Bellair"
- Do not use abbreviations
- Use "highway" instead of "hwy"
- Use "county road" instead of "cr"
- Check the street number
- Make sure the numbers were not transposed, i.e. "620 Main St" instead of "260 Main St"
- Street direction may be missing
- Instead of "Lamar Blvd", try "N Lamar Blvd"
- Suffix
- Try searching without "Dr", "St", "Ave", "Road", etc.
- Do not use "c/o" or "attn" in the address field
- Do not use a PO Box
- Do not use intersections, directions or names of local landmarks, i.e. "across from Midway Mall"